Kamis, 08 Oktober 2015

Google Alert - facebook

As-it-happens update October 8, 2015
To hear publishers tell it, Google's plan to help sites' pages instantly load on mobile isn't a shot across the bow at Facebook, which is doing the same ...
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Facebook Lead Ads
Facebook lead ads are being rolled out, allowing marketers to easily collect leads. Updates include desktop, carousel, video and CRM integration.
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23 College Rituals That 'The Facebook Generation'
23 College Rituals That 'The Facebook Generation' Will Never Understand .... Follow Us. Twitter · Facebook · Tumblr · Google+ · YouTube · RSS ...
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Zuckerberg Confirms Facebook Is Working On Augmented Reality
"Yeah!" Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg said excitedly in response to a big question for his company: is Facebook working on augmented reality?
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