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NEWS | ||||||
Bug may have exposed photos from 7M Facebook users NEW YORK (AP) - Facebook's privacy controls have broken down yet again, this time through a software flaw affecting nearly 7 million users who had ...
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Cyber Saturday—IBM Quantum Computers, Facebook Photo Bugs, Multimillion-Dollar Cyberattack ... Facebook disclosed that a bug in its software may have exposed up to 6.8 million users' private photos to app developers. Photos uploaded to the site ...
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Facebook post thanking truckie for guiding couple through north Queensland rain goes viral A Facebook post thanking a truck driver for guiding a couple through heavy rain in north Queensland has gone viral, with the driver saying the ...
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WEB | ||||||
CNN Contributor Urges: Stop Calling Facebook a Tech Company That's what Mark Zuckerberg told Senator Orrin Hatch earlier this year during his congressional testimony when asked to describe Facebook's ...
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The Morning After: Facebook's latest data leak Hey, good morning! You look fabulous. Welcome to your weekend! We regret to report there's more bad news to share about Facebook and how it's ...
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Facebook logar vegna kattarmyndbands Jóhanns: Biðst innilega afsökunar „Ég er búinn að sitja síðan klukkan fjögur í nótt og svara skilaboðum frá fólki og biðjast afsökunar aftur og aftur," segir Jóhann Þór Arnarson í samtali ...
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Facebook Says Some Users' Private Photos Were Accidentally Shared With Developers PHOTO: Facebook employees talk to visitors at a one-day Facebook pop-up kiosk in Bryant Park in New York City on Thursday. The company was ...
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Facebook and the Art of Censorship Facebook's disabling of my account in November has led me to examine the history of Facebook's censorship of art as reported in the press, which I ...
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What is a Facebook Watch Party and How to Set It Up Watching videos together with your friends is fun. Facebook has a new Watch Party feature that allows you to invite your friends to watch video ...
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Beginner's guide to Facebook Facebook is the number one social media platform people use today. There are over 2.2 billion active users, 66% of whom log in on a daily basis.
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Facebook's fact checkers say Facebook 'doesn't care' about their work According to a report by The Guardian, Facebook doesn't particularly care about the work being done by the army of fact checkers they recruited to ...
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Facebook doesn't care about your privacy, it just wants to farm your personal data Privacy News Online has published a number of stories about privacy problems with Facebook. But what the company's top management really thinks ...
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Facebook veitti aðgang að óbirtum myndum Samfélagsmiðillinn Facebook greindi í gær frá hugbúnaðarvillu sem olli því að útgefendur snjallforrita sem geta tengst Facebook gátu skoðað allar ...
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Fall/Winter Season Showcases Prekindle - Champion Forest School of Rock presents Fall/Winter Season Showcases on 1/26/2019 - 1/27/2019 at See SchoolofRock.com or ...
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Gene Tweaking Prevented Obesity in Mice Gene Tweaking Prevented Obesity in Mice. FRIDAY, Dec. 14, 2018 (HealthDay News) -- A modified version of the CRISPR gene-editing technique ...
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Beware of Stressful Events in the Evening Beware of Stressful Events in the Evening. FRIDAY, Dec. 14, 2018 (HealthDay News) -- Stress in the evening may take more of a toll on your body ...
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Approach That New Gene Testing Kit With Caution Approach That New Gene Testing Kit With Caution. MONDAY, Dec. 17, 2018 (HealthDay News) -- Lots of Americans will unwrap a scarf or sweater ...
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Gävlebon Klara bjöd Northug på dejt via Facebook – berättar om reaktionerna efter det virala ... Gävlebon Klara Nordell ställde en fråga på Facebook, riktad till den nu pensionärade skidåkaren...
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SV-politiker sendte private meldinger på Facebook til Jon Helgheim Og et utyske av en rasist», skriver Nilsen i en Facebook-melding til Helgheim. Etter at Helgheim svarer at det er «trist at en mann i din alder ikke har ...
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The photo that was banned from my Facebook page... I have a bit of a history of photos being banned from my Milk Meg Facebook page. Remember back in the day when Facebook banned EVERY ...
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Another Facebook mishap may have affected 6.8 million users It's not Facebook's year. The company has revealed a new bug was discovered in the photo API which may have let third-party apps access to user ...
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